Great picture of your mom and dad.

I hope at some point you write more on the holes in reality that Ron discovered.

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Steve, it is great to see you on Substack. I believe this is a great decision.

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Whose this Atlantic writer you met in SG? Greame Wood?

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I see you spoke with Gene Smith. He had an interesting post on Less Wrong about the possibility of genetically editing adults to improve cognitive ability. Do you think this is possible?

Did you have any interactions with biotech people on how far away gametogensis is? That seems like it will totally change the landscape for reproductive technology once it becomes feasible.

How do you see AI developments interacting with genetic editing or embryo selection? It seems like IQ gains from selection or editing will be much slower than the speed at which AI becomes smarter, raising questions about how valuable selection or editing is. There also are questions about whether say neural laces will arrive sooner than editing or selection.

Have you changed your mind at all on AI risk in light of your interactions with Jaan Talinn and other Rats?

For countries like the Philippines, what are their realistic economic prospects over the next five or ten years given that AI will automate away so much economic activity currently occurring there? Is America in a better position? For how long? More generally, how do you think cognitive ability comes into play? Eg, below what level of cognitive ability can AI currently replace the tasks done by a worker and how do you think this will evolve over the next five years? If the conclusion is that, eg, every task that can be done by an IQ 120 worker (a cutoff especially close to my heart since I have an IQ of 115 - 120) will be able to be done better by an AI within 2 years, than the implications are absolutely staggering.

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That's a lot to address!

If you will be at Manifest June 7-9 we can sit down and discuss these questions :-)

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Unfortunately, I probably won’t be able to attend :(. Oh well. Maybe another time!

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